Hello, Callan! | San Diego Newborn Photographer
“Collect Beautiful Moments”
When I say “ San Diego Newborn Photographer”, I also mean “San Diego Fresh 48 Photographer”. I think people are still kinda discovering the magic of a Fresh 48 session. Are you familiar with what that type of session is? Do you now know what it is or what it entails? Keep reading to find out!
Fresh 48 sessions are shot after the birth of your sweet new babe or babes. A photographer (hopefully me) comes to the hospital while you’re still there and documents the moments of awe and wonder as you get to know your new little person. These moments are not directed, as I am just a fly on the wall. I like to move around the room and get all the details. I love baby feet, hands, and yawns. I love the connection. I love it all!
Callan’s session was no exception. This little man made his debut quite a few weeks early and surprised us all. Not many would consider working on Easter to be a lucky thing but I absolutely do! That’s when I was able to make it down to the hospital and I am so happy I was able to. My schedule was a bit hectic at the time so his early arrival added some pressure to all of us. I had a huge gap in my day between church and family dinner so that made this session possible. Anyway, take a look at this handsome dude! I follow his mama on Instagram and have really enjoyed watching him grow.
If you are interested or have questions about Fresh 48 Sessions in San Diego, please shoot me an email and let’s talk! Thanks!
Chrissy Walther, San Diego Family Photographer