From Utah to the Oceanside Harbor | San Diego Family Photographer
Family: Life’s greatest blessing. A group that dreams, laughs, plays and loves together. Those whom you can always count on. Always present not only in the good times. The most precious gift.
Well, here we are in 2019 and I haven’t blogged since December. That’s ok though! I took a few weeks away from my desk just to relax and not have any obligations. It felt amazing.
During my break, I had a lot of time to think about my business. I was very unhappy the last part of the year and it’s hard to admit that. My clients were amazing of course but I just wasn’t taking very good care of myself, mentally and physically. My kids even noticed and often begged me not to work anymore. That’s hard.
With a new year comes that amazing feeling of a clean slate. I made some difficult decisions that have already improved my quality of life day 17 into the new year! The biggest issue I faced was time management. There was one thing I knew I needed to do, respect my own time. How can I expect anyone else to respect my time if I don’t do that myself? To give myself more time, I’ve had to book a lot less and give myself multiple days in between shoots to recover and regroup. I can focus more on editing (and not rushing through) and I can give the amount of time and attention to my clients I think they deserve. Communication with me has been hard and I have a goal to improve that for sure. I have also increased my prices (Return clients don’t fret! You get a very generous discount). I think quality photography is worth it. Every photographer is different and that’s ok! I like to give the most images as possible to tell your complete story and do not like to leave any out. I charge one flat rate and that’s it.
To kick off 2019, I want my first blog post to be from a summer shoot I loved. This cute family is from Utah and they wanted a photographer to document their time on the beach in Oceanside, CA. The sun, splashing, and laughter make me smile and that’s exactly why I love what I do. I feel a deep connection with the beach as I had spent a lot of time there as a child and it is one of my favorite places to take my kids.
If you are interested in a beach session, please contact Chrissy Walther, San Diego Family Photographer HERE!