Baby Wolf | San Diego Newborn Photographer
Hey, look! A baby Wolf! No, no, not an actual wolf... Baby boy wolf!
Ok, so I'm cheesy like that! Anyway, meet the Wolf family. I met Lauren a long time ago when we were kids. She is my cousin's childhood friend, and this session was gifted to her from my aunt and cousin. I have distinct memories of us all playing together, so this really was a special treat for me.
I must also mention Lauren's amazing husband. It was my first time meeting him, but I was blown away at how attentive he was to his brand new son. Their interaction together was beyond adorable and I could see Lauren beaming with pride at her guys. I know he is going to be a great father and their little boy will have an excellent roll model!
I love this session because we hung out in the comfort of their bedroom. I think that put everyone at ease, especially the baby! He slept though almost the whole shoot and I don't think I even remember him crying at all! What a champ!
Chrissy Walther, San Diego Family Photographer | San Diego Newborn Photographer